First, I'm absolutely thrilled by receiving the Brillante Blogger award from The Wandering Alchemist, Fashion* CHALET, Super Kawaii Mama, Your Everyday Style, Dotti's Dots, and A Pretty Face, Snazzy Fashion and Snazzy Fashion!
Here are the "rules" for the Award:
1) When received, you may post the award to you blog.
2) Link to the blogger you received it from.
3) Give it to 7 blogs
4) Link to those 7 blogs
5) And leave those seven bloggers a comment about receiving the brilliant premio.

- Stilettostetico - for his unique and sharp eye on beauty and fashion; and the most romantic and sweetest comments and supports to the bloggers! And of course, his opinions and supports are crucial to our girlie blogs!
- Strawberry Kitten - for her talented sewing skills and classic and cheerful styles that make me smile every day!
- Retail Recovery - for her unique style combined with her humour and intelligence
- Searching The Inner Me - for her beautiful and sweet outfits and bright personality
- WB Jewelry - you will never know how cute a blogger is till you meet her! Wendy speaks for herself!
- Silje's Fashion - She is from Sex and the City in real life! Her brilliant style is simple chic!
- Red Carpet Fashion Awards - Thanks for all her great celebrity fashion news!
Second, I've been tagged by cute Queen B - for a Flickr Tag!
a. Type your answer to each of the questions below into Flickr Search.
b. Using only the first page, pick an image.
c. Copy and paste each of the URLs for the images into mosaic maker!
1.What is your first name?
2.What is your favourite food?
3.What high school did you go to?
4.What is your favourite colour?
5.Who is your celebrity crush?
6.Favourite drink?
7.Dream vacation?
8.Favourite dessert?
9.What you want to be when you grow up?
10.What do you love most in life?
11.One Word to describe you.
12.Your Flickr name.
Here is my creation! I guess you need to a good guess for all the answers! Please feel free to tag yourself if you are interested in :)
Third, I've been tagged by sweet Paris in Luella Land.
5 things in my Bag
- A pen with black ink (Yes, I always prefer black ink to blue one)
- A large purse full of receipts (even from months ago)
- Tinted lip care (even though it may not always work well)
- A huge bunch of keys (half of the time, they are M.I.A.)
- A secret love letter (even not known by Boyfriend) ------ OK, that's a joke! Truth: An Ordinary Dairy!
5 things in my wallet
- Full of old receipts (even from 6 months ago)
- A couple of credit and reward cards
- Lots of changes (which I'm so not good at...)
- Different I.D. cards (I look like I'm Wanted! ----- not fond of them)
- Photos of my loved ones (They make me smile....)
5 favourite things in my room
- my wardrobe (Even though I have not got the chance to wear everything, I totally love it!)
- My computers (They are my life! If they broke down, I broke down!)
- several bottles of my beloved vintage champaign (Even though a couple of glasses can switch me off completely!)
- My make-up table with lots of pretty old perfumes (Actually, I only use 1 perfume for years)
- And my bed, of course! (A soft yet firm bed is very important!)
5 things I want to do right now
OK, now it's almost 12am and I feel a bit tired, but I'm not going to sleep now :)
- Drive out and about
- Then get some Fish and Chips and a large fruity milk shake (Instead, I've got some ice cream out of my fridge!)
- Keep driving... put the radio on... drive around London Bridge (Only because not everywhere has light now... Sorry)
- Actually, I want to type on my bed.... I'm bit tired!
- Oh, that's not before a BIG cuddle from my boyfriend... maybe a kiss...
5 things I'm currently into
- Learning French (I know I'm bit useless in learning a new language, but that language is gorgeous and I love Audrey Tautou!)
- Learning how to make sushi
- Going to various shows (from cabaret to art exhibitions)
- Wine tasting
- Reading all sorts of magazines
5 impressions of Paris who tagged me
- She's an extremely sweet girl with a unique eye for fashion and style
- She's very romantic and creates fresh and uplifting art pieces
- She's into music... possible British bands
- She cannot wait to start her Uni in London
- She loves her boyfriend a lot!
I guess many of you I've known already done this tag but please feel free to tag yourself! This is such a fun tag!
Last, I also have been tagged by the very sweet We Wear Things, so here are the rules:
1. Pick up the nearest book.
2. Open to page 123.
3. Find the 5th sentence.
4. Post the next 3 sentences.
5. Tag 5 people and acknowledge who tagged you.
I have Old Curiosity Shop by Charles Dickens, so I have
"We never can be here."
"No, we never can again --- never again --- that's truly said," rejoined the old man. "Let us steal away to-morrow morning - early and softly, that we may not be seen or heard --- and leave no trace or track from them to follow by.
I have Old Curiosity Shop by Charles Dickens, so I have
"We never can be here."
"No, we never can again --- never again --- that's truly said," rejoined the old man. "Let us steal away to-morrow morning - early and softly, that we may not be seen or heard --- and leave no trace or track from them to follow by.
well you know you are kind of a big deal... your blog is brillant!
How efficient, getting all these tags done in one place. I've learned a lot about you today!
Great picks for the Premio.
woah! you were tagged a lot. haha
everyone loves your blog because it is so amazing!
love the pictures from your flickr tag.
congrats on your award hun you deserve it!!!
good job on the award. I love your blog
Hi my dear friend-you are having fish and chips at 12 midnight-haha!!! Mind you, you have such a gorgeous figure, you can get away with it!! You are good to catch up on your tag posts-well done!!
Hey there!
I see that you've already been awarded but I hope you don't mind but I have nominated you for the Premio award '08 also! n
x Grayburn
My darling, I feel so honoured with such great compliment.
Thank you so much dear, you're a sweetheart, always very kind with me.
That Flickr Tag is cute also creative :)
Thanks again.
You deserve them dear ))) it is so interesting to read about you )))
Hugs from Angel.
Hi lovely lady, you sure are popular! Funny post, and I must say I am very humbled and in awe that I made your list. Thank you so much for those amazingly nice word about my style.Ps I love wine tasting and summer is such a great season for it. Right now I am so into Rose wine, perfect for an decadent summer evening!
Aw, shucks! Thanks, lady.
Yay you did the Flickr tag (I had to do that one once!) and the Premio I tagged you with. You deserve it so much, Sweetie. So happy you are still in the Blogging world. LOVE U, your style and your Blog! You are A-MAZ-ING. AMAZING!! Much love and appreciation. xoxo
AH! Ok, I have three things to say
1. I prefer black ink over blue, too!
2. I'm trying to learn French as well.
3. I love Charles Dickens :)
Truly great post!
Learning to speak French.. that's romantic. It's difficult yes. However, according to experts you only need to spend set amount of time every day for three to six months to become fluent. Then you really need to visit France (well it's not hard of your though is it? close enough for your. for me it is rather difficult living in Australia) to speak with the French. It's fun speaking other languages. Really anyone can do it.
I love sushi. Share your tips with us. I used to make it a lot but not any more. Eating is one thing but some sushi dishes look absolutely fabulous. Are you learning it for eating or because they are pretty? I wouldn't laugh at you either way. :) kidding.
bisous Songy
very efficient!
And interesting.
Wow how brillante can you get? Six separate nominations! Congrats!
I've tagged you for an award (even though you just won it).
Ahh you TOTALLY deserved this award :) I keep alot of old receipts in my wallet too! :/ It makes my wallet really thick!
love these, congrats! dickens was always my dad's favorite, i should reread some...
You really deserve all these awards, you're blog and your style are awesome!
really great taggs and faves!
a kiss,
have a great weekend!
chirashi. yum!
wow. those are interesting facts about you. and clever creations. cool =]
Congrats on being premio!
The pics you chose are so lovely!
It's so nice to get to know you a little better :)
And I must say that I love the flickr tag that you did. It's brilliant!
Congrats on your award!
...I bet I would love your wardrobe as well ;-)
Congrats on the award!
how fun! and congrats on the award :)
ps: Thanks infinitely for The award Dear !!!
re-ps: Sorry But I have not awarded the prizes yet . . .
A Bientôt, Antoine
I loveeeeeeeeee the pictures you took in the post below!!!!
oh wow, that flickr picture of the hamster is so cute! congrats for the award!
I will remember that.. Vaseline for lips before applying lipstick. Thanks for your super sweet comment about my green dress. It's nice to hear I inspire you with wearing different colors. :) You inspire me to think of Glamorous Hollywood and fabulous makeup. HUG and a KISS. Hope you have a terrific week. Love, me. xoxo
hey girly, I am glad you liked colombia, you would so love it!! I can't wait to go back...thanks for the support hun!! hope you doing great!!
you deserve every award for your blog. i love all the pics and the colors. you give your posts a fair amount of thought and attention. awesome!
Re: thank you, sweatheart =) well it's true, everything feels just so much now you know hehe...
Well, hey, Congratz to the award ! ain't that awesame ! :D
take care. !
I love that little hamster!
you're too sweet :)
Gosh that is a lot of tags! If you haven't tried making sushi yet give it a go, it's surprisingly easy!
You are so popular miss 3-tagger!
I esp. love the Flickr tag, what a great way to search the site, I might just tag myself ;-)
wow, that's a lot of tags!
Thanks for your comments, you are always so lovely and nice
i loved learning so many fun little facts about you! a job very well done, missy!
Congrats on getting the award from so many bloggers! You deserve it - your blog has such lovely posts and pictures are always beautiful.
awesome tags! i love the first picture on the flickr tag.
Congratulations!! You are so sweet, I have to say that you do deserve it! Your blog is lovely, with all those adorable pictures and posts! I truly love it!:)
Ps. The chap Olympiad pictures are stunning, your dress is definitely something else! You look gorgeous!!!
Congrats on the award and great choices of bloggers as recipients!
I am so proud of you for learning French . . . I tried once with Berlitz tapes but gave up to soon. But I can still ask where the bathroom is!
oh my, a complete award! :-)
oh you deserve the award so much! and thank you so much for your lovely comment on my blog, you made me smile :)!!
Hey ^_^
Thank you so much for your visit. groovy to be visited by such a fabulous blogger! I hope I could continue to do cool posts. wish me luck, pls. I need it.
Merci, encore.
Gros bisous
How wonderful, congratulations on your success. Funny my friend and I were just chatting about blog awards. I had asked him there was such a thing and voila here's the proof today.
Yum, fish & chips and a milkshake, that's heavy duty...
How cool to see how you've answered all these questions! It's so impressive that you're making the effort to learn French -- I know SO many people who've said they "plan" to learn a language but never do it!
Congrats on the premio! You are most deserving. I love coming by here.
I love Dickens! He's surprisingly good for summer, unlike some of the other classics.
Congrats on ur award.
Wow---- I loved getting to know you better! :)
haha i cant guess what any of those flickr picdtures are
congrats for getting the award and tags!!! :) xoxo, lulu
lol omg i keep old receipts, too!
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