Friday, 13 June 2008

Shohreh, Park and Stranger!

What would you do if you have a super stylish friend? Photograph her! Victim: Shohreh (sorry, you are too pretty to not be photographed)! Her only dayoff was modelling for me! Also, thanks for Carla's little help... so 1 model, 2 photographers, 1 park and 1 stranger!





Doesn't she look super cool sitting on the bench? How about sitting besides a handsome stranger? Go on, you will love it....













Photographed by Miss L and Carla


Lust for Fashion said...

Omg, I love these pictures of your friend! And everything about her outfit is fabulous! Thank you for the comment. Btw, how'd you come across my blog? I'm looking forward to your future posts :)

Anonymous said...

she is too cute! i wish i had the guts to cut my hair short, i love it! haha and i think that guy loves it too!

Anonymous said...

she´s so pretty!
Her haircute suits her so well!
i love the first and the last picture.

Wendy said...

You are amazing at photography. Your friend is ultra stylish.

WendyB said...

Lovely pictures, and that haircut looks so good on her.

Cammila said...

Wow, you're not kidding! Not only is she beautiful but she has gorgeous, rock star style. I suppose she gets this all the time but with that hair and the pursed lips she looks a lot like Karen O!

Supercalifashionista said...

This is a darling shoot! I love the last shot, it's very "1950's-driving-down-the-road-over-looking-the-ocean-in-a-red-Corvette", random, I know, but that's what comes to mind when I see her perfectly draped headscarf, boxy sunglasses and pleated shirt. Well done!

Lauren said...

her belt thingie is just AMAZING!

Lipstick said...

Found you thru Fashion Herald. What cool and chic pics!!!

Jello on Springs said...

1. you take great photos
and 2. damn, you have hot model looking friends, seriously

Sharon said...

Wow, stunning pictures and I love her hairstyle!!

Anonymous said...

The pictures you made are so stunning and the girl is really beautiful. I adore her haircut.

July Stars said...

Pictures 11 and 12 are just amazing and the close-up portrait (second from last) is simply perfect ... The styling is so cool and your friend is delicious!
Love it

Anonymous said...

You friend has great style just like you. I'm also loving how you got a random stranger involved in the photos, how did he feel about that?

I've been loving you blog so much I've added you to my links list.
Have a lovely weekend x

Miss at la Playa said...

you look like a modern Holly Golightly

Ida said...

Wow, she is so beautiful! Love the Chanel top and the belt. And the black&white photos are so magazine-worthy!

P.S. Loving your blog, especially the welcome post got me so in love with it, and your style!

Siljesfashion said...

Fabolous pictures of your friend! Shes got a great sense of style and I love the way your pics always tells a story. Have a lovely weekend!

Belowen said...

Oh my! What a beautiful woman! Love her style too, those shoes are incredible!

Danz said...

Oh fabulous photos and outfits! I'm in love with those shoes and that amazing belt!!

Yesha said...

she is sooo lovely. her hair, her outfit, her posing. =]

Darling Deer said...

wow-she is really beautifull.and she has a v cool stlye.great picsxx

Tricia said...

ok, she's got the best short haircut i've seen in ages and it looks incredible on her! great shots, and great styling as usual!

Siobhan said...

i love the photographs and such fantastic style!

Anonymous said...

Your friend is a headturner. Lovely shots!


Hope you are having a very lovely Friday and fun-filled weekend!! ♥

Anonymous said...

seriously, a profession? you have an eye for photography and your friend is stunning!

yiqin; said...

Is he really a stranger!?!? My, she's gorgeous!!! I love the belt & the whole outfit is just amazing! I love the photos, they're so well taken!

Anonymous said...

Amazing shots!!!! You should take up fashion photography as your profession. Love the outfit!!!

Carolina Lange said...

She is really beautiful and you know how to take amazing photos!

Carolina Lange said...

I love her shoes!

Andrea Martínez Maugard said...

How chic is these???!! She totally reminds me of Ines de la Fressange in her Chanel days

Style Spot said...

she really is pretty! a fantastic model! haha love the photos of her and the stranger. and you are an amazing photographer!


moin said...

wow . these pictures are very great! :)
love the style how you did that.
and i love your style too!
i link you on my favorite list.

Anonymous said...

these are great pictures, i love her outfits and it seems so old fashion glamour

Kira Aderne said...

she is really great, her looks are fantastic! But not more than you!! hehehe

a kiss!

Times of Glory said...

Thank you so much for EVERY SINGLE comment! They have really made my day, my weekend and my week!

Yes, Shohreh's style rocks! She's such a headturner! I love that statement haircut and it just looks altra cool! And she can turn everything into her own style, that's what I love!

My photography skill.... as Shohreh is so beautiful, my skill "looked" so much better and Carla's help on photographing! They are great!

Yes, he is a total stranger! If 3 girls asked 1 guy to just sit there and take some pictures... that should not be so hard, right? Particularly, we've got hot looking one!

Again, thank you guys for all the stylish and sharp-eye comments! lots of lots of love and kisses xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx

Margaux said...

love her shoes.
& the last picture.

Seeker said...

What such amazing shots!!!
Congratulations dear!
Your friend is very beautiful and stylish. Her outfit is also lovely.
Very good post sweetie.


Anonymous said...

SO pretty! I love these pictures. I know I always love your pictures, but I really love these ones as well!

Love Amie<3

K.Line said...

She's fantastic looking (and a great model). And you take a great shot!

Anonymous said...

ooh that belt is pure luxury. i love it!

Jennifer said...

thank you for sharing these pictures. they, and your friend, are really beautiful!

Jen (MahaloFashion) said...

The camera sure loves your friend!! I love the pictures of her with the fence!

Miss Cavendish said...

Very pretty indeed. Fabulous work, both of you!

Elizabeth said...

Your friend is indeed gorgeous. I love how she drapes herself across that bench.

The boy is pretty hot, too!

Romeika said...

Love her haircut. Beautiful shots too!

aizat.cinta.goddess said...

she is stunning!!ask her to send any porfolio to modeling agency..or modeling search!!

love her look so much!!

she is fantastic!!

and the sunnies is so cool

Vertiginoso said...

And Miss Shohreh literally exudes Class, with an evanescent casualness' touch !!!
The "glossy" harmony between lipstick, skirt and toe nail polish (YES, i've got the "Fetish Eye" !!!!) is really captivating . . . and
The delicate art of "Smoking Fetish" can really be mesmerizing . . .
ps: A lucky stranger whose company is going to make many jealous persons !!!!
Great post as Always Dear, and It is a Delicious custom with You . . .

A Bientôt, Antoine

My Taste Of Honey said...

You could be on a magazine cover with those fantastic pictures! You look stunning girl!:)

Anonymous said...

fabulous shoot! stunning model!

Economy of Style said...

She's a natural. Gorgeous!

Sam said...

she is really pretty! and i love her haircut.

littlebird said...

your friend looks great and the pictures of her on the bench with the guy made me smile: )

Cate said...

miss L, you and carla are the best photographers ever!!!!!! and shohreh is just a model. she's so elegant and beautiful! i especially love the picture of her smoking. like an actress in the 50s. and the pics with the handsome (!!!!!) stranger are great too. did you ask him whether he could co-star in your photos? what did he say? (i mean, i know he said yes, but did he say anyting else?)
xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx Cate

Bang Bang Starz said...

love the pics especially the last one ..your friend is fab!:)

AlicePleasance said...

Gorgeous pictures and outfit! Those shoes are truly amazing :-)

Times of Glory said...

Hello Guys, thank you for the lovely comments as always and always! I'm sure Carla and Shohreh will enjoiy these sweet comments!

To stilettostetico: Dear Antoine, I'm sure Shohreh will be smoking more in the park from now on. I guess she didn't know how powerful her smoking pose was before.... :)

To Cate: you are such a darling! Carla is great! Guess what? He was the only person sitting on the bench, (The weather was boiling! ) so we thought that'd be so cool if Shohreh can be photographed with a stranger :)

When we asked him, he was such a nice person (I guess his brain had a small pulse)! He did ask what it was for... but we didn't give a chance to ask much, as Carla and I snapped the photos so quickly! xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx

Stephanie said...

She IS gorgeous, and has fantastic hair! I love the last picture especially, it looks so old fashioned and pretty.

Winnie said...

Wow your friend is stunning! Very beautiful photos, I'm sure your friend will treasure these!

annabananna said...

wow! she is so beautiful! and your pictures really stylish. keep up the great work!

Chantelle said...

those shoes are delicious!

Marte said...

Omg, such nice pictures!

Fashion Critic said...

I adore this look, from the head to the booties

Anonymous said...

so jealous of those outfits!! ahh

In Yr Fshn said...

Your friend's hair is amazing. I love all the pics... they look like a true fashion editorial and remind me a lot of the artwork for the new M83 album. Lovely!

KATLIN said...

I love that belt!!

Terren said...

wowwowow. she should seriuosly consider quitting her day job to pursue a model gig. she's stunning!