First, I'm absolutely thrilled by receiving the Brillante Blogger award from The Wandering Alchemist, Fashion* CHALET, Super Kawaii Mama, Your Everyday Style, Dotti's Dots, and A Pretty Face, Snazzy Fashion and Snazzy Fashion!
Here are the "rules" for the Award:
1) When received, you may post the award to you blog.
2) Link to the blogger you received it from.
3) Give it to 7 blogs
4) Link to those 7 blogs
5) And leave those seven bloggers a comment about receiving the brilliant premio.

- Stilettostetico - for his unique and sharp eye on beauty and fashion; and the most romantic and sweetest comments and supports to the bloggers! And of course, his opinions and supports are crucial to our girlie blogs!
- Strawberry Kitten - for her talented sewing skills and classic and cheerful styles that make me smile every day!
- Retail Recovery - for her unique style combined with her humour and intelligence
- Searching The Inner Me - for her beautiful and sweet outfits and bright personality
- WB Jewelry - you will never know how cute a blogger is till you meet her! Wendy speaks for herself!
- Silje's Fashion - She is from Sex and the City in real life! Her brilliant style is simple chic!
- Red Carpet Fashion Awards - Thanks for all her great celebrity fashion news!
Second, I've been tagged by cute Queen B - for a Flickr Tag!
a. Type your answer to each of the questions below into Flickr Search.
b. Using only the first page, pick an image.
c. Copy and paste each of the URLs for the images into mosaic maker!
1.What is your first name?
2.What is your favourite food?
3.What high school did you go to?
4.What is your favourite colour?
5.Who is your celebrity crush?
6.Favourite drink?
7.Dream vacation?
8.Favourite dessert?
9.What you want to be when you grow up?
10.What do you love most in life?
11.One Word to describe you.
12.Your Flickr name.
Here is my creation! I guess you need to a good guess for all the answers! Please feel free to tag yourself if you are interested in :)
Third, I've been tagged by sweet Paris in Luella Land.
5 things in my Bag
- A pen with black ink (Yes, I always prefer black ink to blue one)
- A large purse full of receipts (even from months ago)
- Tinted lip care (even though it may not always work well)
- A huge bunch of keys (half of the time, they are M.I.A.)
- A secret love letter (even not known by Boyfriend) ------ OK, that's a joke! Truth: An Ordinary Dairy!
5 things in my wallet
- Full of old receipts (even from 6 months ago)
- A couple of credit and reward cards
- Lots of changes (which I'm so not good at...)
- Different I.D. cards (I look like I'm Wanted! ----- not fond of them)
- Photos of my loved ones (They make me smile....)
5 favourite things in my room
- my wardrobe (Even though I have not got the chance to wear everything, I totally love it!)
- My computers (They are my life! If they broke down, I broke down!)
- several bottles of my beloved vintage champaign (Even though a couple of glasses can switch me off completely!)
- My make-up table with lots of pretty old perfumes (Actually, I only use 1 perfume for years)
- And my bed, of course! (A soft yet firm bed is very important!)
5 things I want to do right now
OK, now it's almost 12am and I feel a bit tired, but I'm not going to sleep now :)
- Drive out and about
- Then get some Fish and Chips and a large fruity milk shake (Instead, I've got some ice cream out of my fridge!)
- Keep driving... put the radio on... drive around London Bridge (Only because not everywhere has light now... Sorry)
- Actually, I want to type on my bed.... I'm bit tired!
- Oh, that's not before a BIG cuddle from my boyfriend... maybe a kiss...
5 things I'm currently into
- Learning French (I know I'm bit useless in learning a new language, but that language is gorgeous and I love Audrey Tautou!)
- Learning how to make sushi
- Going to various shows (from cabaret to art exhibitions)
- Wine tasting
- Reading all sorts of magazines
5 impressions of Paris who tagged me
- She's an extremely sweet girl with a unique eye for fashion and style
- She's very romantic and creates fresh and uplifting art pieces
- She's into music... possible British bands
- She cannot wait to start her Uni in London
- She loves her boyfriend a lot!
I guess many of you I've known already done this tag but please feel free to tag yourself! This is such a fun tag!
Last, I also have been tagged by the very sweet We Wear Things, so here are the rules:
1. Pick up the nearest book.
2. Open to page 123.
3. Find the 5th sentence.
4. Post the next 3 sentences.
5. Tag 5 people and acknowledge who tagged you.
I have Old Curiosity Shop by Charles Dickens, so I have
"We never can be here."
"No, we never can again --- never again --- that's truly said," rejoined the old man. "Let us steal away to-morrow morning - early and softly, that we may not be seen or heard --- and leave no trace or track from them to follow by.
I have Old Curiosity Shop by Charles Dickens, so I have
"We never can be here."
"No, we never can again --- never again --- that's truly said," rejoined the old man. "Let us steal away to-morrow morning - early and softly, that we may not be seen or heard --- and leave no trace or track from them to follow by.